Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chocolate. . .Need I Say More?

I was told this week I rarely have a post that doesn't include chocolate in it. Okay, I admit name is E.C. and I'm a total chocoholic.

The kick-ass person who noticed this is Tanya Reimer of the Life's Like That blog. So, of course I hopped on over to her place, put my feet up and unwrapped some chocolate only to find that Tanya awarded me the Lovely Blog Award.

So, now I have my chocolate and an award too. How cool is that? Very! Thanks a ton, Tanya.

Now, to pass on the award to a few deserving bloggers I've been following a lot lately.  With the A to Z Challenge going on there are a lot of cool ones out there, and oh, so many who are worthy, but I've got six that I think you'll enjoy too.

Speak Coffee to Me
Queen of Procrastination
All The Worlds Our Page
Adventures That Score
Chris Phillips
Writing By Heart

Hope you enjoy reading these fab bloggers as much as I do.

Now, I'm off to find some chocolate and a good book. As you've probably guessed, both are in ample supply in my house.


  1. Now if they made chocolate books you'd be all set.

  2. Hmm...don't give me any ideas, RM. I'm sure I could find something like that if I tried hard enough! lol

  3. Ooh, you can never have too much chocolate - online or off :) Yay you!

  4. On behalf all the ladies at ATWOP, thank you, E.C.
    Much appreciated! :-)

  5. Thank you for the award and congratulations on receiving it yourself! Happy Chocolate eating.

  6. Great award. Thanks for the links on the other blogs. I love meeting new people. I would love to find some chocolate hiding at my house but no such luck!

  7. Oh love it! I admit too, somewhat too proudly, to having a chocolate addiction. It's all good. Too good. yum.

  8. Congrats on your award!! I've got chocolate too, but I'm trying to stay away from it for the most part ;)

  9. Thanks so much E.C.! I'm so glad to have met you through the challenge. It's been great getting to know so many other bloggers!

  10. The world's just a little brighter with chocolate in hand! :) Thanks so much for the award and congrats on receiving it yourself!

  11. If you fetch chocolate, we'll expect enough for everyone when you return! :-)


  12. How can you write romance without chocolate? I mean, seriously!

    Congrats on the award.
