Saturday, March 19, 2011

Music that Moves

I must admit I'm not one of those crazy groupies. I know following a celebrity these days is all the rage, but that's not my bag. Don't get me wrong, I love movies (mostly because I love stories and liked to be entertained) but I'm not one of those people that are interested in what an actor does outside of their chosen medium.

Yeah, you guessed it.  No tabloids for me.

Okay, I'll admit. I have my favorites. Clive Owen is one. Matt Damon another. Meryl Steep and Julia Roberts even make appearances on my list. Not because of who they are particularly, but for their talent. . .their ability to pull me into a story.

Every once in while a song does that for me too, and I find myself leaning into the story it tells.  But, just recently, I've found a whole collection of them. . .all written and played by The Script. An Irish band that is fast becoming my new favorite.

And well, there's no other way to say it. I L-O-V-E their music. And that's because their lyrics move me. I can relate. . .plug myself in and imagine. Make up an entire story while the music is playing. And then, I hit the reverse button and play it over again.

I grabbed the above video for If You Ever Come Back off YouTube (and watched and sang along to it, like, a hundred times already), because, man I love this song! It's one of my new favorites. To hear the others I'm falling in love with check out their new album. . .Science & Faith. You won't be disappointed.

Happy Weekend everyone!


  1. I love movie soundtracks for that -- just tripping off with the story. Some bands put together great albums for that, but not many.
    There's actors that I like due to the clever career choices they've made. Brad Pitt has done some smart movies. Robert Downey Jr. is making smart choices, and Adam Sandler is still working regularly, and touched on sensitive topics with "Chuck & Larry" and "Zohan."

  2. I love when a song hits me with that zing--I know exactly how it relates to a story I'm working on, as if it had been written with me in mind. :) This happened recently with an older song, but I kept hearing it on the radio, so clearly it was meant for me and my WIP. LOL


  3. At work when I need a break, I'll put in the earbuds and listen to a few songs or two, just to refresh my mind, become asorbed in something beautiful and dream a little. I like the script too.

  4. Thanks! I love music and these guys are pretty good. I'll have to check them out a little more thoroughly.

  5. Hi EC! Great post! I can't live without music, and I like all types -always looking for new stuff so thanks for telling me about these guys!-
    My music tends to change with what I'm working on, right now it's Nox Arcana which is DARK, but then so is what I'm working on... :)

  6. I just purchased the Script album Science & Faith because I loved the song "For The First Time". What a small world.

  7. I also find the stories and emotions compressed into song lyrics are sometimes very powerful. And the music itself creates a certain atmosphere, whether moody, uplifting, tragic...definitely something to spark the imagination and put me in the right mood to write if I hear the right song at the right time!

  8. I love it when music inspires like that! The Script, they're not bad at all. I'll likely have to listen to the song a few more times. I'd never heard of them before - but, I love to discover great new music! So, thanks for pointing me in their direction. :) Happy Monday to you!
