Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Not quite two weeks into my blogging life and I've received an award. Wow, I'm loving the blogosphere and all the great bloggers in it.

So, a big shout out to Heather from Pen, Paper, Lots of Coffee for awarding me the Stylish Blogger Award.  Thanks a ton!  

Ah, but what, you ask, did I do to deserve such an honor? Well, not much, really. I just came out to play. Regardless, let me share with you how it works. In order to accept the award, I have to do a couple of things.

1.) Thank and link back to the person who gave the award
2.) State 7 things about myself
3.) Pass the award to 15 recently discovered bloggers

So, here goes. . .7 things about me.

1. I'm a diehard chocoholic.
2. I love museums. I could spend hours wandering around the exhibits. . .art, history, it doesn't matter. I love it all.
3. I was a goaltender on an all guys hockey team right through my University years.
4. I'm a big sports fan.  Any sport will do (yes, even curling. . .pathelic, I know), but I especially love hockey and NFL football.
5. Call me crazy, but winter is my favorite season.  I love skiing, snow shoeing, skating. . .okay, you get the picture.
6. Thunderstorms are one of my favorite things.
7. I still sit down everyday at 4 p.m. and have a cup of tea--a throwback to the times I spent with my Scottish Grandmother.

Now, time to pass the award onto 15 ultra-deserving new bloggers.  And they are. . .drum roll, please.

Tanya Reimer (Life's like that)
Tracy Buscemi (Forever Endeavor)
Michael (In Time ...)
Rachel Morgan (Rachel Morgan Writes)
J.C. Martin (Fighter Writer)
Autumn Shelley (Magick, Alchemy and Love)
Michelle Merrill (Perfecting The Craft)
Liz Fichera (Liz Fichera's Blog)

Congrats to everyone and thanks again, Heather!


  1. Here I was coming over to congratulate you on this stylish award, and you're passing it on to me! What a deal. Thank you!

  2. Hey, how cool is that, Tanya? Glad to pass it along to you.

  3. Thank you so, so much! I shall go add your name to my awards page right now :-)

    I LOVE your point number 6, and TOTALLY agree with you (for proof, see here!).

  4. Thanks so much!

    Love your blog, by the way.

  5. First, congratz on the well-deserved award! I agree with Heather, your blog is gorgeous! Second, thank you for passing it on. I am honored.

  6. Congrats on the award. You have a nice blog! I just stopped by to say hi to a fellow Crusader. I'm a follower now. :)

  7. That's awesome about the award! Congrats! I also wanted to drop in and say hello to a fellow crusader. :D

  8. Your blog is gorgeous. And welcome to the blog universe. It is a fascinating, warm realm. I, too, could lose myself in museums and find winter to magical and wonderful. Congrats on the award, Roland

  9. Hey! Congratulations to everyone and a big virtual hug for the award! Thanks!
    Following you now, you fellow crusader!
    Edge of Your Seat Romance

  10. Greetings fellow crusader! I'm also pretty new to the blogging world and have found some fabulous and genuine friends here.

    Congratulations on the award, the first of many, I'm sure.

    I'm getting tired and read for no3, Goatlender, which I thought was an intriguing profession....hmmm off to put that in a short story :-)

  11. I'm with you on #1

    Congrats on your stylish award :)

  12. Hi there, fellow crusader. Congrats on the award!

  13. Another Crusader saying hi!

    And paranormal mixed with historical sounds like alot of fun...

  14. Hi everyone! Thanks so much for the congrats. The award is a lot of fun...and now I'm heading off to check out all of your blogs!

    And yes, the paranormal historicals are a ton of fun, Adrina!

  15. Congrats on the award - it's so pretty. ;) And learning all about you...bonus!

  16. A big hello from one chocoholic to another! Nice award!

  17. congrats on the award, and nice to meet you! I'm a fellow crusader and new follower.

  18. Hello, fellow Crusader! Congrats on the award, and I'm with you on number 2.


  19. Congrats on your award! :)

    And, hello. *waves* Fellow crusader and newest follower. Nice to meet you.


  20. Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it forward. I'll post about it on Saturday.

    Goal tender? So cool! I love hockey. And thunderstorms too!

  21. Lookit dat! I just came over here to say hellooo to a fellow Group #18 member... and I find I've won an award. Booyah!

  22. Congratulations on your award. You are in my (draft) crusade group. *waves*

  23. Congrats on the award and to those you passed it on to. I love that you still have a cup of tea at 4:00pm thats great. have a wonderful day fellow crusader!

  24. And on a totally unrelated topic - hello fellow crusader/group member!

  25. Aw, how come no one ever gives me an award?

  26. ...and just popping back to say we're in the same Crusade Group so I hope to be a regular visitor...

    Having just re-read this post I have to go and have a piece of chocolate now. Aaaah, the power of suggestion. ;-)

  27. congrats on the award...btw, fellow crusader dropping in to follow...

  28. Thanks for the award!!
